They're real people, just like you . . .

When she met Phil Stacey, he mentioned having having an issue with "just gathering myself and getting in the right mindset before I go out on the stage".
Diana said, "You know what seems to really, really work for me is looking at the audience. They're really real people with the same feelings like you have and everything."
I loved this piece of advice, and I agree that it works. When you make a personal connection with people in the audience, one by one, they are no longer a frightening mass of faces. They become individuals - individuals who are smiling, encouraging you and wanting you to succeed!
On The Everything Page you'll find everything you need to build visibility, credibility and influence through engaging presentations that move your participants into action: freebies, low-cost products and courses, and 1:1 coaching!
1 comments. Please add yours! :
Hey Lisa,
I saw the same bit and thought, 'That would make a great blog post!' Then I forgot about it.
Trying to avoid being red carded by the Cliche Finder, I'll say, "Terrific minds think kinda similar."
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