Take care of your voice

Here's an article on teachers learning to minimize voice strain. And here's the Voice Academy referred to in the article, with excellent suggestions for evaluating, training and caring for your voice. It also happens to be a really fun site to navigate!
Go the the main office for orientation, then use your hall pass to work your way around to the auditorium, science center, teachers lounge, gymnasium and classrooms. At each location, there is an image of a room with clickable items to help you find what you're looking for. This site is designed to make voice care fun!
Here's an article from last February about taking care of your voice during the winter.
And here are two books that I've found to be great resources for improving your speaking voice:
Your voice is your most critical tool as a speaker. Don't neglect it!
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2 comments. Please add yours! :
The two books you reccomend from Susan Berkley are excellent. Sadly, too many speakers give little thought to the care and nuturing of their voice.
Thanks for stopping by, TJ. I can't say I'm always as careful of my voice as I should be, but after developing vocal cord nodules during college, I am much more aware of mistreating my voice.
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